Breathing exercises and special techniques can help with asthma symptoms and increase your overall lung strength, capacity, and health.
What are the Best Breathing Exercises for Asthma?
Op dezelfde manier waarop aërobe training gunstig is voor uw hart en spieren, kunnen ademhalingsoefeningen gunstig zijn voor uw longen. Met astma [1], your airways can become narrow and inflamed, making it difficult to breathe, so medications such as inhalers are prescribed to help open up the airways and improve breathing.
Naast medicatie, onderzoek [2] suggests that breathing exercises can be a beneficial treatment for people with asthma, helping to improve breathing and quality of life.
There are various types of breathing techniques that are particularly helpful for people with asthma. Some of the exercises help with breathing retraining, some help increase the strength of respiratory muscles, while others improve the flexibility of the thoracic cage (rib cage).
Ademhalingstechnieken worden vaak aanbevolen door een arts of astma-kliniek. Om ervoor te zorgen dat u de juiste methoden krijgt en er het meeste uit haalt, kunt u sommige het beste door een expert onderwijzen.
Papworth Method
The Papworth Method was developed in the 1960s at Papworth Hospital and combines breathing techniques with relaxation methods. ONDERZOEK [3] have shown that using the Papworth Method can help respiratory symptoms and improve quality of life in people with asthma.
De Papworth-methode wordt gegeven door fysiotherapeuten en is erop gericht om langzaam en gelijkmatig te leren ademen vanuit je middenrif (de spier onder je ribben) en door je neus.
Diafragmatische ademhaling
The diaphragm is the muscle located below your lungs that helps you breathe. With diaphragmatic breathing, the emphasis is on learning how to breathe from your diaphragm, rather than your chest as so many people tend to do [4]. As well as helping to strengthen your diaphragm, this asthma breathing method can help decrease the oxygen needs of your body – as zwakke spieren [5] cause you to need more oxygen – and help slow down your breathing.
To try diaphragmatic breathing:
- Breathe out through your mouth at least two to three times longer than you inhaled, while keeping your neck and shoulders relaxed.
- Place one hand on your upper chest and the other hand on your stomach.
- Breathe in through your nose and pay attention to how your stomach fills with air.
- Ideally the hand on your stomach should rise, whilst the one on your chest should stay still.
Pursed Lip Ademhaling
Ademhaling op de lippen [6] is a technique used to help control shortness of breath. It’s a good way to slow down breathing, making sure that each breath you take is more effective. It helps keep the airways open for longer, so that oxygen is moved into the lungs and carbon dioxide is moved out. This helps slow down the breathing rate and can relieve shortness of breath.
Try pursed lip breathing when you’re not feeling short of breath.
- Breathe in slowly through your nose with your mouth closed.
- Then breathe out at least twice as long through your mouth, with your lips pursed – as if you were about to whistle or blow a bubble.
- It may help to count as you breathe out.
Buteyko Ademhaling
The Buteyko Method was developed by Russian scientist Professor Konstantin Buteyko and is a form of breathing retraining. His onderzoek [7] found that only 1 in 10 people breathe correctly and many people breathe too deeply, creating the wrong mixture of gas – oxygen and carbon dioxide – in the body. It’s possible that breathing too deeply could actually cause shortness of breath.
The idea behind the technique is to help people learn to breathe regularly, so that the best combination of oxygen and carbon dioxide are present in the body. It teaches you to breathe slowly and gently through your nose, rather than your mouth. This helps to keep the air warm and moist, which is more calming on asthma-sensitive airways.
Yoga Breathing Exercises for Asthma
Yoga breathing or yogasana for asthma stems from the practice of yoga. As a form of exercise, yoga incorporates the need to breathe steadily in a controlled fashion whilst moving, stretching, and balancing.
Sommige onderzoeken zijn bemoedigend gebleken resultaat [8] and an verbetering [9] in asthma symptoms after yoga breathing techniques have been practiced. Yoga is also good for helping to relieve stress and, as stress can be a trigger for asthma, it may be good to try both yoga breathing exercises and yoga movements.
How can Breathing Exercises Help My Asthma?
Exercising can be more challenging when you have asthma, especially if you’re worried it might set off an asthma attack. But exercise is beneficial for your overall health and your asthma. In fact, doing regular exercise could result in improving your asthma symptoms, as increasing your heart rate helps improve your lung power, boost stamina, and reduce breathlessness.
Bovendien kan regelmatige lichaamsbeweging u helpen een gezond gewicht te behouden en het risico op een astma-aanval te verkleinen. Door tijdens het sporten komen ook chemicaliën vrij in uw hersenen, endorfines genaamd, die uw humeur kunnen verbeteren en u kunnen helpen zich beter te voelen.
De beste soorten om te doen als u astma heeft, zijn:
- Zwemmen - de warme, vochtige lucht in een zwembad is astma-vriendelijk. Zwemmen is een goede cardiovasculaire training met weinig impact die het hele lichaam helpt en vooral de spieren die u gebruikt om te ademen.
- Walking – walking is a great way to improve your fitness, especially if you need to build up slowly.
- Cycling – steady cycling can improve movement and endurance levels, without overstraining the lungs.
- Joggen - joggen kan helpen bij het versterken van de spieren die u gebruikt om te ademen, en ook bij het verbeteren van uw algehele conditie.
- Team sports – team sports that involve short bursts of physical activity, such as netball, volleyball, football, or athletics can be good choices to try.
Short bursts of activity are good for people with asthma, as they can help build your heart and lung stamina. Exercising in short bursts is also less likely to trigger an asthma attack than taking part in longer, more prolonged, activities such as long-distance running.
Talk to your doctor and health care team about what exercise is best for you.
How to Exercise Safely with Asthma
Sometimes exercise can trigger asthma symptoms to worsen. This is believed to be due to you breathing faster and through your mouth while you exercise, and that the air going into your lungs might be colder and drier than usual. For some people, the change in temperature can cause the airways to narrow, triggering asthma symptoms. One way of reducing the risk of exercise triggering asthma is to ensure you warm up well beforehand and cool down property after exercising. Or if cold air is problematic, try indoor forms of exercise instead.
Tips om veilig te trainen met astma:
- Zorg ervoor dat u altijd uw noodinhalator bij u heeft.
- Wees u bewust van uw astma-triggers en vermijd deze waar mogelijk. Als u bijvoorbeeld last heeft van pollen of hitte, moet u in deze omstandigheden niet sporten.
- Als u samen met andere mensen traint, vertel hen dan dat u astma heeft en leg uit wat u moet doen als u een astma-aanval krijgt.
- If you do experience symptoms such as wheezing, breathlessness that doesn’t calm down when you stop moving, or coughing when exercising, stop and take your reliever inhaler.
- Denk eraan om op te warmen en af te koelen.
- Als koud weer uw astmasymptomen veroorzaakt, houd u dan aan lichaamsbeweging binnenshuis.
- Verminder lichaamsbeweging als u een virale infectie heeft, zoals een verkoudheid, omdat infecties de astmasymptomen kunnen verergeren.
- Check in with your doctor or health care team to ensure your exercise and activity is appropriate for you.
- Astma – Wereldwijd platform voor patiënten met allergieën en luchtwegen.
- Santino, T. A., Chaves, G. S., Freitas, D. A., Fregonezi, G. A., & Mendonça, K. M. (2020). Breathing exercises for adults with asthma. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2020(3).
- Patil, Neha & Devi, T.. (2024). Efficacy of Papworth Method to Improve Quality of Life and Exercise Tolerance in Asthma. 10.1007/978-981-99-7633-1_25.
- Crockett R. How belly breathing benefits your body, mind. Mayo Clinic Health System. Published March 4, 2024. Accessed March 25, 2024.
- How can I manage my breathlessness? Asthma + Lung UK. Published March 31, 2024. Accessed March 27, 2024.
- Nguyen JD, Duong H. Pursed-lip Breathing. [Updated 2023 Jul 25]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:
- Buteyko – What is it? – Buteyko Breathing Centre UK. Buteyko Breathing Centre UK. Published June 5, 2018. Accessed March 25, 2024.
- Sangeethalaxmi MJ, Hankey A. Impact of yoga breathing and relaxation as an add-on therapy on quality of life, anxiety, depression and pulmonary function in young adults with bronchial asthma: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 2023;14(1):100546-100546. doi:
- Gülcan Bahçecioğlu Turan, Tan M. The effect of yoga on respiratory functions, symptom control and life quality of asthma patients: A randomized controlled study. Complementaire therapieën in de klinische praktijk. 2020, 38: 101070-101070. doi: